Socially Responsible Investing 

Sustainable investment

We offer sustainable investment solutions for those with concerns over where their money is invested.

The world is changing.  Attitudes are changing. 

At Distinct, we aim not only to follow this trend, but to be ahead of it.

We recognise that there is a shift in our society, and this is reflected in the way companies are doing business.  Climate change, water scarcity and renewable energy to name just a few, are themes that are becoming increasingly important to everyone in our society.  

This is now reflected in the way people invest. 


We actively research the market so that we can offer a range of sustainable and ethical investments options. 

You may have particular issues that you care about – we can work with you to create a portfolio that reflects your views.

You may not be sure on where to begin but know that you want to make a difference.  We can help you create an investment portfolio that works to benefit the society as a whole, as well as providing positive returns on investment.

Many companies are now pledging support to the United Nations Global Compact and are striving to achieve their sustainable development goals.

There are also many in the investment industry who are now moving towards creating ethical and sustainable investment options.

Contact us today

To enquire about what we are doing to help people choose a sustainable alternative to investing.